Archive for September, 2010

Everyone’s Going To The Movies

September 23, 2010

We went to see Easy-A on Monday, and I have to admit, I liked it. I think John Hughes would have liked it too, because it felt like a tribute to 80’s movies, and I like how they used the Scarlet Letter.

I also realize that I have fallen behind on my blogging on movies ever since I started to get some for (check out my stuff please!!!) So I am watching the cast of A-Team on Lopez, and there is nothing in my blog about the movie. We liked it, I love movies that give you a reason to stay through the credits, although we did not see Mr. T, maybe he was in another version and we will have to check it out on cable??? My other feeling was is it too soon to have war movies in Iraq???

Before Easy-A we went to Going the Distance with Drew Barrymore. Liked it, not quite as much as Easy-A, but I like how Drew was with her boyfriend, the Mac guy… Also missing in my reviews was inception. Our mistake was seeing it on a day I got up at 3AM and still tried to catch the late show. I think I would still want to see it again to try and figure parts of it out…

Finally, one we missed in the theatres but finally caught on demand “Where the Wild Things are” Liked it, but didn’t mind that we missed it in the theatre. Also, there are always problems stretching a short story to a full movie. And one of my favorite things from the book is that Max is always in his room. And when he gets back, his dinner was still warm. OK, so maybe we can’t get everything…